After years of promising myself I'd carve one, I finally made good on it and carved this manly pumpkin.
I selected what I found to be a profoundly charming pumpkin from the
grocery. Notice the bend in the back and that fun curl on top. This
pumpkin isn't playing around!
it was time to cut out his "cap" and scoop out the seeds. I selected a
short bladed knife for better control and made my incisions slowly and
carefully. Also, laying down a newspaper is a pretty good idea if you
want to stay in good graces with the lady in your life, men.
I scooped my pumpkin's guts into a bowl with a metal spoon. I roasted the seeds later for a nice snack.
spoons are better in this case because it is a lot easier to scrape the
inner flesh of the pumpkin with one. See those dangley spaghetti like
strands? You won't get those off with a wooden spoon.
next part is tricky. I decided to draw out my design by lightly scoring
the flesh of the pumpkin with my knife. You may want to use a pencil or
a dry erase marker.
drawing out the form I very slowly and meticulously began to carve in
the facial features. My first strokes went only a little deeper than my
initial scoring. I didn't want to completely break through until I had
made a few passes.
After the face is carved out, you'll need to clean up your edges. Then...
It's a Jack-O-Lantern! I think he turned out great with lots of
character and a slightly menacing look. You may want a more traditional
look and that's awesome too. Just have fun with it.
However, it feels like something is missing on mine...
That's better!
Now we light his candle...
...and wait for the night!